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Check if a Variable is Not Null in Python

This Python tutorial help to check whether a variable is null or not in Python, Python programming uses None instead of null. I will try different methods to check whether a Python variable is null or not. The None is an object in Python.

This quick tutorial help to choose the best way to handle not null in your Python application. It’s a kind of placeholder when a variable is empty, or to mark default parameters that you haven’t supplied yet. The None indicates missing or default parameters.

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There are the following attributes for None python Object –

  • The None is not 0.
  • The None is not as like False.
  • The None is not an empty string.
  • When you Comparing None to other values, This will always return False except None itself.

How To Check None is an Object

As earlier, I have stated that None is an Object. You can use the below code to define an object with None type and check what type is –

NoneObj = type(None)()
print(NoneObj is None)

The above code will return the following output.


Option 1: Checking if the variable is not null

The following is the first option to check object is None using Python.

var = "hello adam"

#check is not null
if var is not None:
    print('Var is not null')

The output :
Var is not null

Option 2: Checking if the variable is not null

Let’s check whether a variable is null or not using if condition.

var = "hello adam"

#check is not null
if var:
    print('Var is not null')


Var is not null

Option 3: How To Check the Variable is not null

We can also check python variable is null or not using not equal operator

test = "hello adam"

# if variable is not null
if test != None :
    print('Var is not null')


Var is not null

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