This python tutorial help to write to excel using python and xlrd lib. The xlrd module may be used to obtain data from a spreadsheet. It can be used to read, write, or alter data.
Sample Excel Sheet Data
Name Age Salary Roji 32 1234 Adam 34 2134
The below command is used to be installed xlrd module. The xlrd module is used to extract data from a spreadsheet.
pip install xlrd
And at the start of our Python program it can be imported by including the below line:
import xlrd
Python code to read ezxcel data
import xlrd wb = xlrd.open_workbook("employee.xlsx") sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0) print(sheet.cell_value(0, 0))
The above will print row 0
and column 0
data , which is extracted from the spreadsheet.
How To Write Excel File
We can use the xlsx module in Python to write to an excel file and execute many operations on the spreadsheet, as well as edit the data.
import xlsxwriter emp_wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook("employee.xlsx") new_sheet = emp_wb.add_worksheet() Name = ["Adam"] Age = [34] Salary = [12000] new_sheet.write("A1", "Name") new_sheet.write("B1", "Age") new_sheet.write("C1", "Salary") new_sheet.write(1, 0, Name[0]) new_sheet.write(1, 1, Age[0]) new_sheet.write(1, 2, Salary[0]) emp_wb.close()