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Python replace multiple spaces with one

Python Replace Multiple Spaces with One

This quick Python tutorial helps to solve the problem “python replace multiple spaces with one”. We’ll discuss different approaches to solve this issue.

There are several scenarios where you have strings that have multiple Whitespace and you want to replace them with a single space using Python.

Understanding the Problem

There are several ways in which you can have consecutive spaces. Code writing, data processing, and user input are some possible sources. This may have an impact on text output, cause alignment issues, and make data analysis more difficult.

Consecutive Spaces Example:

text_with_spaces = "This is an example with consecutive spaces."

In the above example, there are multiple spaces between the words in the string. You need to replace consecutive spaces with a single space.

How to replace multiple spaces with one in Python?

Let’s discuss one by one technique to replace consecutive space with one space. We’ll discuss the following approaches here:

  • Splitting and Joining
  • Using a Generator Expression
  • Using Regular Expressions
  • remove Leading and Trailing Spaces

Splitting and Joining

Splitting and joining strings is one method we can use. The splitting string function allows the dividing of a string into words, which are then joined together with a single space. This method automatically removes extra spaces between words.

text_with_spaces = "This is an example with consecutive spaces."
normalized_text = ' '.join(text_with_spaces.split())

in this case, The split() method divides the string into a list of words, and join() combines them back into a string with a single space between each word.

The output will be:

This is an example with consecutive spaces.

Using a Generator Expression

There is another option is a generator expression, It avoids creating intermediate lists during the process.

text_with_spaces = "This is an example with consecutive spaces."
normalized_text = ' '.join(word for word in text_with_spaces.split() if word)

In this case, the generator expression removes any empty strings that come from consecutive spaces before joining the words. The output will be:

This is an example with consecutive spaces.

Using Regular Expressions

The re module in Python allows us to find and replace multiple spaces efficiently.

import re

text_with_spaces = "This is an example with consecutive spaces."
normalized_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text_with_spaces)

In the above example, the re.sub function replaces one or more whitespace characters (\s+) with a single space. The output will be:

This is an example with consecutive spaces.

Loop with Iterating Through Characters

We can also use a loop-based approach. By going through each character and rebuilding the string with a single space between words.

def replace_multiple_spaces(text):
    result = ''
    space_seen = False

    for char in text:
        if char.isspace():
            if not space_seen:
                result += ' '
                space_seen = True
            result += char
            space_seen = False

    return result
text_with_spaces = "This   is   an   example   with   consecutive   spaces."
normalized_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text_with_spaces)

The output will be:

This is an example with consecutive spaces.

How to Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces

All the above-mentioned methods will remove consecutive spaces within the text but may not handle leading or trailing spaces. You can use strip() method to remove Leading and Trailing spaces.

text_with_spaces = " This is an example with consecutive spaces. "
normalized_text = ' '.join(text_with_spaces.strip().split())

The output will be:

This is an example with consecutive spaces.


We have covered Python’s various methods, such as string splitting and joining and regular expressions, for replacing multiple spaces with a single space. You can choose one of them as per your project requirements.

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