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Python Replace String Using regex

Python Replace String Using regex

This tutorial help to replace a character or substring using regex.Python’s re module help to regex with python.

Python Regex

A Regular Expression (RegEx) is a special sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. This helps you match or find other strings or sets of strings.

Python re Module

Python provides a built-in library called re for working with Regular Expressions. Thanks to the Python module re, regular expressions are fully supported in Python. The re module uses re.error to handle errors that occur while compiling or using a regular expression.

Checkout other python String tutorials:

Replace Using re.sub() Method

The re.sub() function is used to replace substrings in strings.

The Syntax:

result = re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0);

This method returns a string where matched occurrences are replaced with the content of replace variable.

How To Replace & to dot(.)

Let’s create a python code to replace & with dot using re.sub method.

import re

string = 'Hello! I am lin& I want to know about you\
& where you live & \n Your profession&'

# matches
pattern = r'&'

replace = '.'
new_string = re.sub(pattern, replace, string) 

Output :

Hello! I am lin. I want to know about you. where you live .
Your profession.

How To Replace White Space in a String

Let’s create a python code to replace & with dot using re.sub method.

import re

string = 'Hello! I am lin'

# matches
pattern = r'\s+'

replace = ''
new_string = re.sub(pattern, replace, string) 

Output :


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